How can you ensure that the person receiving your message knows that you wrote it?
You’ve been asked out on a date, and you want to send a message telling them that you’d love to go, however a jealous lover isn’t so happy about this.
When you send your message saying yes, your jealous lover intercepts the message and corrupts it so it now says no!
We can protect against these attacks by signing the message.
Imagine you write a message M
. You encrypt this message with your friend’s public key: C = Me0 mod N0
To sign this message, you calculate the hash of the message: H(M)
and “encrypt” this with your private key: S = H(M)d1 mod N1
Your friend can decrypt the message using their private key: m = Cd0 mod N0
. Using your public key they calculate s = Se1 mod N1
Now by computing H(m)
and comparing it to s
: assert H(m) == s
, they can ensure that the message you sent them, is the message that they received!
In real cryptosystems, it’s best practice to use separate keys for encrypting and signing messages.
1 | ooo = bytes_to_long(hashlib.sha256(flag).digest()) |
遇到了一个N, 可以先去factordb.com查看一下N的素因子是否曾被记录,若可被完全分解,知道了p和q,那么问题就迎刃而解了
由于gmpy2.invert(1, k)对于任意的 K, 得到的结果都为 1
则我们可以直接print(long_to_bytes(pow(c, 1, n)))得到结果
e很小,且c 远远小于 n
即说明 flag ** e = c, 可推出结果
Wiener’s Attack
在 d 比较小(d < 1/3 * N ** 1 / 4)时,攻击者可以使用 Wiener’s Attack 来获得私钥。
Boneh attack
由于公钥e的选取和 φ(N)的大小差不多,所以k的大小和d的大小差不多,于是有
Then the vector is a short vector of the lattice, under the assumption that d is very low. Applying a lattice reduction (see the CryptoHack challenge Gaussian Reduction to implement it yourself, or use LLL), this vector can be found, and d can be extracted from its second coordinate.
下面是使用 SageMath version 9.1的题解
1 | N = 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 |